Elf4Health Challenge 12/8/13

So far I have been loving the Elf 4 Health challenge! I have met so many amazing and supportive people.

Todays challenge is to write a list of 20 things we are grateful for.

20 Things I’m Grateful For

1. Scott

Scott is such a huge supporter of mine.


2. My Family

Besides Scott my family is also a huge supporter of mine.


3. Friends

Friends are so important to me and I truly cherish all of my friends.


Cara and I. Old photo but she lives in China currently and I don’t have any recent photos! Weren’t we cute when we graduated high school 🙂


Liz and I have been close friends since 6th grade 🙂


Steph and I. She is one of my favorite 5k running buddies. Color Run 2013


Mark and Sarah.



St. Kate Nursing Students

And my new nursing friends… We have been through so much together!

I have other friends that I did not mention and I am grateful for them also!

4. Maisy



5. Workout Buddies


Right now my mom is my best workout buddy. We swim, run, bike, jump, and do yoga together!

I am always looking for new workout buddies so let me know if you need one, if you live in MN 🙂

6. Blends

Since I started this blog I have virtually met so many amazing people. I haven’t met any of these people in person but through their blogs I have learned so much about them.

7. Cooking

I really love to cook and I know it might be weird to be grateful for it but it is such a good stress reliever. I love trying new recipes!


Pad Thai

Image 24 Image 22

Homemade Pasta


Flatbread Pizza and Amazing Greek Orzo Pasta Salad

These are just a few of the yummy things I have made 🙂

8. Xperience Fitness


I really love my gym…. so many amazing workout classes!

9. Christmas Decorations


They just make me smile every time I see them 🙂

10. SkyZone




It really is an amazing workout. I have seen some of the fittest people come to skyrobics and they can barely make it through the class.

11. My Job

I really love taking care of kids and making a difference in peoples lives.

12. Graduating


I’m actually graduating this month!

13. My Healthy Body

During my spin class the instructor always asks us to give thanks for our healthy bodies. It truly is a blessing to be able to do what I want to. There are many people out there who have health issues that prevent them from living their lives the way they want to.

14. Music

I am super motivated by music. If I’m doing a hard workout I just need a few great songs and I will get through it.

15. Happy Days

I am rarely in a bad mood and that is because life is WAY TO SHORT to live it pissed off. I almost always have a smile on my face and I love to make the best of every situation.

16. Snow

Although I don’t love the cold I really enjoy the snow.

17. TV Shows

Kind of weird to be grateful for but watching my shows is a great way to relax after a stressful or busy day.

18. Books

I really love reading… I haven’t had a ton of time for this while in school but during the summer I read a ton! I can’t wait to finish my current book and move on to a new one.

19. Photography

I really love photography. This is another thing I haven’t had a ton of time to do but I can’t wait to learn more about photography now that school is over and I will have more time.

20. Elf4Health

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I have really enjoyed Elf4Health so far. I have met many amazing people who are always supportive.

21. My Readers

I am truly grateful for everyone that reads this blog. I had no idea what it would turn into when I started it.

What are some of the things you are grateful for?